Along with several governmental figures, political party representatives and businessmen, Mr. Sirwan Muhammad attended the first anniversary of the American Chamber of Commerce in Erbil. Sirwan is quoted to say that a protocol was singed between the two chambers, in ...
Deputy Prime Minister Addresses the Chamber: ‘Mr. President Messrs members of the board I congratulate you all, on the occasion of being honored by the union of Iraqi chambers for being chosen as the most active chamber in the scopes ...
The president of Slemani chamber was quoted to say that the union of Iraqi chambers will gather in Slemani to honor his chamber as the most active body in the entire country for the year of 2021. He also added ...
The president of the Chamber told European Kurdish businessmen that Kurdistan, in general, and Slemani in particular, are experiencing a flourishing economy, especially in sectors of agriculture and industry. Thus, the time is right for the foreign companies to invest ...
Aiming at developing business between Kurdistan and Britain, a memorandum of understanding between the two countries was signed by Hounslow Chamber of Commerce and Kurdistani Union of Commerce Chambers. President of Slemani Chamber later revealed that both sides showed great ...
A delegation from the chamber, along with other governmental and commercial officials, is in London to attend an important conference about the trade relations between the UK and Iraq. This event is held annually, and is attended by the chambers ...
The Deputy Minister of Economy had welcomed the delegation of SCCI in Yerevan and business opportunities were discussed. Representatives of nearly forty Armenian companies attended the meeting and showed interest in investing in Slemani. Direct Meeting to be held in ...
Pedro Martinez, Ambassador of Spain to Baghdad, paid a visit to the chamber and shed light on the progress achieved in industry an agriculture in his country. He urged the businessmen of Slemani city to increase the import of Spanish ...
The chamber representative Baban Hamasur, had attended an inclusive meeting held by the International Labour Organization on 15th May. Important issues, such as relations between employers and workers, laborer’s rights, social insurance and educating the workers were discussed. Methods of ...
After leaving Greece, the representatives of Slemani Chamber of Commerce have headed to Armenia to talk business with their counterparts. President Sirwan Muhammad described the visit as important and productive. Furthermore, he held talks with the managing director of the ...